Tuesday 14 February 2012


We were all off on Tuesday so took the kids down to a softplay in Ayr. Afterwards it was Daddy's turn to play so we went in search of a few caches.

First up was the Ayr Shore cache. This is at one of the ramps leading from the promenade down to the beach. Whilst we were sitting having some lunch in the car we spotted a couple of people at the GZ looking extremely suspicious. They were being completely obvious hunting high and low for the cache. After lunch we headed out to help but despite a good search by both them and us we couldn't find the cache.

Next was Clean Beaches which is at the South end of the Promenade. This was a quick cache and dash in the car with Super Girlie doing the honours. The clue was cryptic but pretty easy so we knew what to look for.

Watchful was our next target. This is one we visited before only this time we knew we would have to dig. We also knew that it was probably still there as it had been found recently. Upon reaching the GZ there were muggles all over the place so we sat it out until there was a lull and dashed out for a look. Finding the cache proved really simple but I think we were just lucky to dig in the right place first time. This could potentially take ages to find!

After a short detour (a road on the map didn't exist in reality) we reach the GZ for Cromwells Citadel. The Citadel of Ayr was built in 1654 by Oliver Cromwell's puritans as a fortified garrison from which he controlled trade throughout south west Scotland. The Citadel was demilitarised in 1660 following Cromwell's death and the restoration of Monarchy. Today a section of the outer curtain wall remains at the GZ with a replica canon. This area of Ayr is still known as the Fort and the neighbouring leisure centre has been called the Citadel. The cache itself is located on the replica canon. Again we were lucky as it was hidden in almost the first place I looked.

Our final cache of the day was Chinese Whispers. This was another cache that we'd tried to find previously without success. Since then I'd had a further hint from another cacher but when we got to the GZ it wasn't helping. All four of us hunted for a considerable time and were about to give up when Mrs SC gave a shout! She'd found it but the next problem was reaching it. This was pretty well hidden but you should spot it if you look in the right place. It wasn't in the 'obvious place' and the coordinates are out.

4 out of 5

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