Monday 27 August 2012

Day off in Killie

It's very rare for me to get a day off to myself, but on 27th August I did and planned spend it caching. I hadn't planned for the weather being bad but since it was my only day off I decided to go out anyway heading to Kilmarnock hoping to clear the place out of caches. Unfortunately things didn't go to plan and I ended up finding just two.

After a stop in Crosshouse to look for Fisher - PM without success I headed to Annanhill House to look for On the rails. Upon arrival I wasn't really sure as to whether I was allowed to park in the grounds as it looked like a private residence. There weren't any signs around and an exiting car went past me without a second glance so I decided to chance it. The cache itself turned out to be very simple to find although I think I just got lucky. Not a very interesting location but another smiley on the map.

I then headed to Another Brick In The Wall... which is a cache I'd looked for before and failed to find. It was only upon arriving at the GZ that I realised it was disabled. Back in the car and around the corner and I reached Stoned in Kilmarnock - Fairy Flood Gates. This one took me a wee while to find and I nearly gave up on it. One more look and I spotted some more potential hiding places which I hadn't checked and sure enough there it was.

Finally I went in search of Stoned in Kilmarnock - Shelly Put The Kettle On which is at the back of the Tesco car park. This one was very exposed to muggles and I got lots of strange looks from cars and passers by. After a really good hunt I came up with nothing and decided to call it quits for the day and went to McDonalds for lunch.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

400th Find

Well we finally reached 400 finds and it was Mrs SC and the kids who did the honours with Skye Picnic Spots : Broadford.

Monday 6 August 2012

Lochaber and Skye

Having 6 weeks off in the summer holidays is one of the perks of being a teacher so Mrs SC and the kids decided to have a sneaky wee extra holiday without Mr SC before it was time to go back to school.

Renting a caravan in Spean Bridge, it was an great excuse to go and do a spot of caching and in all they found 12 caches (and had one DNF).

Mrs SC was supposed to write they trip up here but as it's been over a month since they got back I doubt it's going to happen so here's a list of the caches they visited.

The Curling Ponds - Fort William
Braveheart - Fort William
Sugarloaf - Fort William
WBMC @ Fort William
The Bunker - Fort William
Rock on! - Fort William
Lochside Cache - Fort William
Highlander's Home (Eilean Donan Castle)
Leny by Kyle
Skye Picnic Spots: Broadford
Isle of Skye: Camas na Sgianadin
Isle of Skye: Loch Ainort

Blarmafoldach Viewpoint - Fort William

Moscow and Fenwick

This post (and the next few posts) is a bit late, by almost a month in fact but I just haven't got around to writing them up. Thankfully we've not been out caching that often so there's only a few posts to catch up on so here goes...

After a long day at work I decided to do a spot of caching on the way home. The rest of the family were away on holiday (see following post) and so I had the whole evening to spare. Heading down the A77 I decided to first have a look for The Sign of the Flying Bicycles which is right next to the road. Pulling in to a small stretch of the old road which is now part of the cycle track I hunted high and low but eventually had to give up. It was only once I got home I discovered that the data cached in the phone was out of date and that the cache was disabled. No wonder I didn't find it.

Next up I had a look for a cache in Waterside, Primrose Bank. I'm sure this should be really easy to find and indeed other cachers have logged that it is but when I visited there was no way to look for it without getting linched by the locals. You know in the old western movies when the baddie walks into the bar, the music stops and everyone stops talking and looks around? Well that was exactly how I felt at this cache. I was watched as I parked, followed by some kids up to the GZ, there were at least two people in the houses opposite noseying out the window at me, there were people in the garden right behind the GZ and then their dog started going mental at me. So much so that I had no choice but to about-turn and head back down to the car where those kids were waiting on me and a guy up a ladder in just a pair of y-fronts shouts down, "can ah help ye mate?", my reply... "er... naw yer all right" .... (weirdo). In short there was absolutely no way to look for this cache without getting caught, marched into the town square and burnt at the stake. I think this is one for 5am on a Sunday morning!!

From here I headed a bit farther East to Moscow. No not the one in Russia, the one in East Ayrshire. Here I went looking for three caches. The first of these was MOCKBA which turned out to be a fairly straight forward side of the road type cache. Next was Turbines view the Russian "Law"  which is further up the same road and hidden in an area of forestry. This one turned out to be simpler than I though and after a longwinding detour around and through some boggy ground riddled with hidden ditches and guarded by spiky conifers I eventually found the wee blighter right at the edge of the clearing. Doh, oh well I suppose my work shoes needed a clean!! Third came A New Russian Forest which is further down the same road towards the village. As its name suggests this is hidden in a section of new(ish) woodland, however the nettles were almost as high as the trees and after a highly dangerous and stingy attempt I decided it would be safer to come back another time.

Leaving Moscow I headed towards Fenwick but on the way went to look for By Bruntland Bridge and in the process I managed to disturb a mature lady and gentleman who appeared to have been getting sightly "over romantic" in their car just before the bridge... either that or they'd just been for a swim and were having a race to see who could get their clothes back on the quickest!!! They were still there when I left but were sitting fully dressed looking all serious... I laughed 'til it hurt.

Just down the road I found Jane's Wee Rendevous Bit. This is a simple cache hidden at a bench by the side of the road. Another nice easy one to boost the numbers!

The Parliament Wall was to be my final cache of the night as it was getting dark and I was getting hungry. Located in Fenwick village, this cache required super stealth mode as it is at a road junction and overlooked by houses. Finding the cache was easy, it's in the obvious place but getting it out and in on my own was awkward. If you've got an invisibility cloak, take it with you for this one!

Finally it was time to go home, only to hear that Mrs SC and the Super kids had found more caches than me!!