Friday 19 October 2012

Loch Tay - Kinnell Stone Circle

Next to the Falls of Dochart Inn within the village of Killin are two large gate posts. Beyond them, an old road leads off into the trees. This track goes past some old cottages and more gate posts like the first before straightening out to lead down to Kinnell House. The track itself is in a poor condition with some huge potholes which, as it had been raining just before we visited, had become massive puddles. Thankfully the kids had their wellies on. They had a great time splashing.

Kinnell House was a former seat of the clan Macnab whose historical territory stretched from west Loch Tay and Killin across Glendochart to Tyndrum. Parts of this house are said to date back as far as 1580. At the end of the track are another set of large stone gate posts on top of which are two strange lion statues. These would look more at home outside a Chinese restaurant as they look slightly oriental in their design. It is here that the Kinnell Stone Circle cache is secreted.

The name of the cache refers to a small but well preserved circle of six stones which is thought to date from between 2000 and 3000BC. We went over to have a look closer look (avoiding an electric fence) and tried to imagine what this strange construction might have originally been for.

This is a short but interesting walk if you are in Killin. We can highly recommend a visit, but remember your wellies if it's been raining!

For those interested in the connections to Clan Macnab, there is also a private burial ground in Killin which can be found next to the bridge over the Falls of Dochart. Access to this requires a key but this is can be obtained upon request nearby.

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