Friday 30 March 2012

As Easy As....

I really hate puzzle caches with a vengeance, but for some reason I find myself desperately trying to solve them. A couple of weeks ago a new one As Easy As.... was published by one of our Geo-buddies Chenks and after avoiding it for as long as I could I eventually had a look a few days ago. For the next couple of days I racked my brain for the answer.

Finally when the answer came it turned out to be so easy that the kids could even solve it!

Tonight we decided to head out on our bikes as it was nice and sunny and although we were actually heading to a local play park we ended up visiting the coordinates of the cache too. The cache itself was found by Super Kid (5) and she was thrilled to find a bike bell in the swaps. This was the first time she'd been out on her bike without stabilisers on and completely amazed us by cycling all the way from our house in Lawthorn to the cache and back. What a superstar!! Luckily I had my bike toolkit with me so managed to use the screw driver in that to fit it to her bike at the GZ. Ting ting ting she went all the way home!!

I can't really tell you much more about this one as it is a puzzle cache after all but we had a lovely cycle and decided it should get a favourite point if for no other reason than the lovely path it is located on.

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