Saturday 31 March 2012

Muirshiel by Night

After tackling the night cache in Spier's Old School Grounds the kids have been begging to do another one. So seeing as it was the start of their school holidays we reckoned it'd be fine for them to have a late license tonight and headed off at about 9pm to tackle Leap Night - Werechicken's Dare!. By 10pm we had reached the Muirshiel visitors centre, shaken, rattled and rolled after a very bumpy drive. No wonder the place was deserted, noone in there right mind would come up here... except us cachers! Mrs SC wants to know why on earth they have speed bumps as there was no way anyone would go faster than about 2 MPH for fear of wrecking their car.

After their enthusiasm and excitement the kids then decided they didn't want to do it after all as it was too dark and scary. After some persuasion we set off with new high powered LED torches and soon found the starting point. We were expecting this to be another crawl through the undergrowth (like Spier's) but instead we found ourselves on a nicely maintained forest path (pity the road wasn't this well maintained!!).

I'm not sure if it was just down to having better torches this week but we found this trail much easier to follow and less of a challenge and were surprised to reach the final GZ fairly quickly.

Super Kid continued on her lucky streak by finding the cache but she let her big sister Super Girlie open it. The box was stuffed to the gunnels with swag so they made a swap each leaving a parrot and a toy tree. We also launched another new TB on his travels, good luck Sailor Sydney!

We then took our time wandering back down to the car as we weren't looking forward to the bumpy drive back down to Lochwinnoch. On the way we noticed that there wasn't any sound in the woods tonight, no animals or birds at all... maybe the Werechicken had eaten them all!!

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