Monday 2 July 2012

Europe 2012 - Disneyland

Believe it or not there are caches in Disneyland and so we just had to bag some.

Our first attempt was for a traditional cache hidden in a hole in one of the large artificial rocks. The cache details made this sound simple but upon reaching the approximate location the GPS signal was all over the place and the entire place was artificial rocks full of holes. We hunted for a short while but we were wasting good time which during which we could have been queuing so we went and did that for the rest of the day instead!

On our second day in the park we did manage to bag a couple of caches, albeit one was a virtual and the other an earthcache. The aim of the first cache Le Roi Arthur was to get a photo beside the sword in the stone and to send the cache owner the inscription. This actually proved harder than it sounds and I was ready to strangle some ignorant kids who kept jumping the queue (but of course I didn't) and to shout at their parents who didn't seem to care. We eventually managed to get photos, the inscription and approval from the cache owner to log a find.

The Earthcache, Butte - Hoodoo Voodoo - DP/EC56 was a bit tricky and I'm still not sure we got the answers correct but what we sent the cache owner must have been acceptable as we got permission to log our third EarthCache (I thought we had more than that!).

After these we were happy and spent the rest of the time in the park doing what you of course pay to come here to do... we queued!

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