Tuesday 10 July 2012

Europe 2012 - The Netherlands

The Netherlands, or Holland? We're not too sure what the correct name for the country is or why the inhabitants are known as the Dutch but we were only there for about an hour so we didn't really care.

Travelling from Frankfurt to Brussels we'd noticed that our route may go via the little knobbly bit at the south of the country. In fact, our satnav decided to take us around this so we decided to ignore it and headed into the land of bacon and tulips (we didn't see any though!).

Our aim was to find a single cache, just one to log that we'd cached in the country but almost every cache we checked online was either a multi, a puzzle or was written in some unrecognisable language (Dutch maybe?). Finally we pulled off the motorway to have a better look and by pure chance discovered we were about a hundred meters from a cache, Raywaver, and it was at the side of the road we were sitting on! Result! Five minutes later we'd found it but it was high up out of reach so Super Girlie was lifted up and just managed to grab it.

The name of the cache referred to some strange contraptions which are supposedly the next big thing which will replace windfarms. Can't see it myself.

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