Sunday 1 April 2012

AMAZO Flashmob

On the 1st April we attended our very first Geocaching event The AMAZO Farewell Flash Mob. This was held in Glasgow's George Square and was supposed to last for 5 mins with everyone appearing out of nowhere, standing in the shape of a smiley face, and then disappearing again. In reality it all took a little longer and moved around the square as AMAZO (the organiser) negotiated with a friend via his mobile phone until we were positioned for the best picture via a webcam located somewhere within the City Chambers.

This was a really well attended event which took everyone by surprise and as a result the room booked in the Counting House bar for afterwards was a little small. This was eased slightly when everyone with kids was thrown out so we've no idea what happened later on in the evening but I'm sure it was messy!

Nonetheless we really enjoyed the event as we'd been unsure as to what to expect. In the end it turns out other cachers as pretty normal people after all!

As well as the event which counts as a cache, we managed to sign the log of three travelling caches;
These are seemingly extremely rare and for these three to be in the same place at the same time was pretty cool. I'm not sure how many TB's we managed to sign but it was only about a quarter of those which were logged as being at the event yet was still a lot. We also launched a new TB of our own at the event, good luck Chopper Charles!

A good event and hopefully the first of many.

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