Saturday 26 May 2012

Corsehillmuir Wood

Last Saturday after dropping one of the mini Super Collectors off at her dancing lessons I headed off in search of a nearby cache Of Corse it's a hill.

After fist of all going to completely the wrong place I arrived and parked the tank nearby. From here I took a wander along some pleasant country paths to the GZ munching a scotch pie I'd picked up in town... yum! The cache is located on an old bing which is now entirely covered and hidden by trees and it was near one of these that the cache was meant to be hiding. There were loads of them though and the terrain wasn't the easiest to cover. What made things even worse was that my GPS was hopping around like mad. Eventually, scratched, stung and dirty I gave up and was just making my way back off the bing when I spotted something out the corner of my eye and went to investigate.

Sure enough hiding in one of the very first places I'd looked was the cache.

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