Monday 19 September 2011


Myself and the kids were off today and had a couple of hours to spare so we decided to go out instead of wasting the day in front of the TV. We ended up in Ayr and went to have a look for some caches.

The Royal Scots Fusiliers cache is located at the memorial gardens in front of the South Ayrshire Council buildings. This little garden has always been beautiful any time I've visited it, today was no exception. The cache was well hidden and took a while to find. In the end we took a step back and looked for the obvious and bingo there it was starting us straight in the face.

A short walk away is St John's Tower which, when we arrived, looked as if it was going to be difficult. The grounds are fairly large but we knew the cache was a magnetic nano and we also had the clue. That ruled out most places and after checking the GPS and map we were left with two main contenders for hiding places. Second time lucky and we had the cache. Unfortunately we weren't able to get into the tower grounds for a look around as it was padlocked shut (ooh there's a hint!). We took a look the information signs and through the gate but couldn't do much more.

That was all the caches we had time for today as we had dental appointments to get to but on our way out of Ayr we stopped briefly at the river to grab a photo to complete the Snap the Two Brigs challenge.

Unfortunately we got the bridges around the wrong way in the photo but we claimed it as complete anyway.

2 out of 2 and a challenge too.

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