Wednesday 28 September 2011

River Ayr

I'm told it's possible to walk the entire length of the River Ayr but on Sunday we only tackled a very short section. Our original plan was to trawl Ayr for about 12 different caches, but as is usually the case when there's four of you (including a 4 year old and a 6 year old who insists on walking at half everyone elses pace) we only manage to look for a fraction of the targetted caches. In fact we looked for a grand total of three and even then only found two.

Our start point was Ayr College from which we took the river-side path pausing at the athletics track to watch some amateur athletics and to have a hunt for Run Forrest Run. This was painfully easy to find, however there were muggles coming at us from all directions. Cache grabbed, we took a seat at a nearby bench to fill out the log before waiting for a break in the endless stream of muggles to replace it in its hidey hole! This was a very nice hand made cache container into which its owner elephantman has obviously put lot of effort.

Next came Chinese Whispers which is another of elephantman's caches. After a good hunt in the target area with a dodgy GPS reading we gave up. Upon reading many of the recent comments it appears this area has undergone building work and was even inaccessible for a time. There have also been a number of other DNFs recently. We'll keep an eye on the website to see if anyone else finds it.

Finally we went in search of Old Craigie which turned out to be fairly simple to find but took us ages! The reasons for this were multiple, first we had little/no GPS signal, next there were muggles everywhere doing a fun run and marshalls wandering around too, and finally the heavens opened upon us soaking us to the skin. Nevertheless we kept looking although some of the places we looked turned out to be at least 100m off target (yet that's where the GPS was pointing at the time!). Finally we were giving up and heading back to the river bank when the GPS signal jumped one last time and I headed off into the bushes on my own to investigate. Bingo there was the cache at last!! This one was full of goodies including two GeoCoins and a Travel Tag. Maybe we should have just taken one and left the others for the next finders but after the drenching we'd had and the effort we'd put into finding this cache we took all three!!

2 out of 3

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