Thursday 29 September 2011

The Earl and the Sheriff

I was bored at work today (what's new) so went for a wee walk and a spot of Geocaching!

My work is located at Charing Cross in Glasgow so with only an hours lunch break I couldn't really go very far. I started with the Mitchell Library cache which is located near the library entrance on Granville Street. This is a fairly busy area with muggles everywhere so despite hanging around for almost 15 minutes I didn't even come close to being able to search for the cache. Caches like this annoy me as much as the boring old tree root caches. It's no surprise that they go missing so often. Grrr... Will try again some other time...

After abandoning that cache I headed North and uphill to Kelvingrove Park in search of Lord Roberts Memorial : Kelvingrove Park. This time the muggles weren't so bad although there was one wee man sitting eating his lunch but he seemed too engrossed in his sandwich to pay me much attention. The clue for this one and GPS coords really helped as the cache is not right at the monument itself. After a couple of pretend tying and untying of my shoelaces I spotted the cache, however there doesn't seem to be any actual container other than a small plastic bag and even that has a hole in it. Signed the log and quickly replaced *exactly* as found.

Next came Sheriff of Calton Creek which is a cache I went looking for before and failed to find. My GPS was bang on the money this time and after a needless search in someones driveway I played the old shoelace trick once again and nano-tastic there it was! Signing the log proved more difficult as a wee old lady at a bus stop nearby was giving me the evil eye. That problem was solved however when a big red bus came along and swallowed her whole. I thought about giving her a wave but decided she'd probably get off at the next stop and come back to give me a clip around the ear with her brolly.

Finally I'd planned to have another look for the Cameron Memorial Fountain cache but I'd run out of time and had to get back to work. This is another muggle infested cache and I know where the hiding place is but there's never a good moment to go fumbling for the container never mind signing and replacing it. Like the Mitchell Library cache that one will have to wait again until another day (maybe one when Aliens have abducted everyone except me).

2 out of 3

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