Saturday 21 April 2012

Montrgeenan and Benslie

To finish off Saturday mornings caching I decided to go and have a look for a couple of caches by a local cacher called Chenks. These have been active for a few weeks now but I've not had much time to visit them.

The first, Monty's Trig, was located on the approach road to the old Montgreenen Hotel which at present appears to be out of use. At the side of this road lies a trig point marker and it is at this that the cache is to be found. The find itself wasn't at all difficult but I really liked to hiding place and the method of retrieving the cache. This one earned a favourite point as it wasn't just your run of the mill tub in a tree root.

Next I drove to a little village called Benslie where the next cache Benslie Woods was hidden. This one had me stumped for a bit (and that's not a hint). I'd parked at the road side and was trying to follow my GPS which was skipping around but couldn't see anything. I was ready to give up and had returned to the car when I decided to have another go and went to look in the most obvious place (where I'd already looked before). Still I didn't see anything. It was only then I had an idea and making sure noone was around I checked out my theory. Nope it wasn't there, but after a couple of tries I had the cache. I can't really say much more that this without spoiling the mystery but this one is worth looking for if only for the smug feeling you'll get if you find it! Another favourite point was definitely in order.

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