Saturday 27 August 2011

Eggy Park

Saturday afternoon free so we headed out to Eglinton Country Park to try to pick off a few more local caches.

First was a really easy one right at the entrance to the park View from a bridge 6We still managed to walk past the cache twice before spotting it. This one is highly recommended as it'll take you no more than a couple of minutes if you follow the clue!  

Lady Ha's the pits was next. I've been to the park loads of times as we live just over the road but I had no idea there was a hidden tunnel. We thought it was fascinating and had a great time shouting down the tunnel.

Finally we nipped up to the visitor center and around to Eglinton Doocot in the Main. Had a look around and quickly found the cache before heading home for dinner.

A fun hour and a half, and 3 out of 3.

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