Friday 26 August 2011

The First Four

We're new to Geocaching but after our day out and about I think we're hooked.  We started out last Saturday afternoon with the closest cache to our house, Justice Tree woods. Initially looked in completely wrong place but after putting complete faith in the GPS in my mobile phone found the cache without difficulty.

Next came The Eglinton Buddha an easy find but a bit of a scramble to get to.

Eglinton Clearance Cairn was our next victim which prove another easy find but a bit muddy to get to.

Then we headed over to Draught Burn Brig which is only a short distance away. Spent ages looking in the *obvious* place but couldn't find the cache and had actually given up when I spotted what we were looking for. Bingo there was the cache.

All in all our first day out was a great success, four caches out of four and four challenges too!!!

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