Sunday 27 November 2011

Castlehill Fort - Bearsden

We were in Bearsden today visiting my parents so I nipped out with my Dad (Grampa SC) for a spot of Geocaching! Well it's better than Rivercity followed by Eastenders!!

Our target was the Castlehill cache which is hidden at the site of an old Roman fort on the Antonine wall. I grew up around here and have always known this spot as "The circle of trees" but I'd never actually been there.

We parked on Antonine Road and took a wander up the field to the top of the hill, which, being November, was suitably squelchy under foot. Once at the top a quick scan around and we spotted a large moss covered fallen tree which was what our clue was, however the clue also said that the cache was within two metres of a fence. Since this tree wasn't close enough to any fencing we had another scout around and sure enough there were a group of other fallen trees and branches nearby only these were next to a fence. The cache was under one of these and was well hidden but still easy to find for someone who is looking.

This was Grampa SCs second cache and it was very nice to have a bit of company and a chat. We signed the log and dropped of a couple of TBs before realising we had an audience, however, there was nothing to be concerned about these weren't muggles it was just a couple of huggles in the neigh-bouring field!!

On the way down I happened to glance over towards North Baljafray where another cache is located. This cache named Rare Species is next to a small enclosed reservoir at the edge of a wood in which I used to play.  Even at that distance from where we are I spotted the item to which the clue refers. I'll maybe head up there some other time I'm over visiting and bag that one too.

1 out of 1.

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