Saturday 19 November 2011

Sourlie Plantation bridge

After a long morning and afternoon out Geocaching I collected the kids from thier dancing class and headed home. For a rest??? Nah!! to get them changed to go out caching again!!! There was still one new cache I had on my list which I'd kept aside to go and find with the Mini Super Collectors!

Located at a small bridge just West of the Sourlie Plantation this cache was to prove a bit tricky to find. This is very close to our house so we left the van at home and took a nice wee walk over.

After a good hunt (mostly on the wrong side of the river as it turned out) we were just about to give up when the kids pointed to a tree and asked me to "try that one Daddy". After insisting I'd already looked I thought what the heck and had another look anyway (I was doing the looking as it was steep and muddy and the river was quite high). And what do you know, there was the wee cache hiding!!  Nice one girls!!

Yet another FTF for the Super Collectors, the fourth of the day!!

A big thanks to Chenks for these new caches.

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