Sunday 6 November 2011

Perceton and the Annick Valley

After collecting our first FTF at Irvine New Town Trail #1, I headed over to the other side of Irvine in search of Explore Perceton Woods. This cache is located on a nice little woodland walk just behind the grounds of Perceton House. It was a little muddy but being quite early on a Saturday morning it was very quiet and peaceful and the birds were singing. Once I reached the coordinates I had a wee look around using the clue but in the end I resorted to cachers instinct to sniff out the cache. "Hmmm, where would I put it? Ah there you are!!".

On to Get Your Kicks on Route 73 @ Dreghorn next but after a short, fruitless search and too many muggles I decided to try this one one my way back to the van so headed along the cycle path to Bridge Not Far. The clue and coordinates for this cache make it an easy find, however, it took me a little while to figure out how to reach the container safely. Once I'd had a look around all became clear and I soon had the log signed and the cache back in it's hiding place.

Next on my list for the day was Little Pigs Walk - riverside which I'm very glad to have found, but only because I know I'll never have to do it again! My first problem was locating the path, the problem being that there was none. Next I had to scramble my way down a steep embankment only to reach a fence. My record with fences isn't too good and although this wasn't barbed wire my real enemies are electric. Luckily this fence was fine (although I didn't know that until I'd tested it!). Over the fence I started following the old railway embankment which follows the bank of Annick Water at this point. This was wet and muddy and pitted with coo footprints which made it really difficult to walk. Once I reach the remains of the old bridge under which the railway used to run the ground became really wet and boggy. This was where my first disaster occurred. I was trying to cross the boggy ground when my boot disappeared. My next step forward was an attempt to get out of this quagmire, but by the third step I was literally up to my waist in muddy water which smelled suspiciously like coo juice! At this point many (many many) extremely (extremely extremely) bad sweary words were shouted. I was soaked and filthy up to my waist and the rest of me was splatted with mud too. But hey ho! on I went to the cache and was rewarded with a very nice Geocoin for my trouble.

It took me ages to squelch my way back to the van and my second disaster of the day. When I got there I removed jacket and jumper and threw them in the back. I was just about to get in when I looked at the state I was in so started pulling up some long grass to wipe the muck and coo poo of my trousers... when CLUNK... the van locked itself. Luckily I had my mobile in my trouser pocket (and it was still working) so I managed to call Mrs SC who very kindly came out to rescued me with the spare keys. Thanks!

I had another look for Get Your Kicks on Route 73 @ Dreghorn while I was waiting but couldn't find it although to be honest I'd had enough by then and probably wasn't trying very hard.

3 out of 4.

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