Monday 2 January 2012

Greeto Fails

It was the last day of my Christmas break so the kids and me decided to go out Geocaching. After a look at possible locations I spotted a new cache had appeared near Largs so we went to find it.

The strangely named Gogo Water runs down to Largs from the East having been fed by a number of tributary burns and streams. One of these is Greeto Water which descends from the North between Wooy Hill and Brown Hill. A track leads up from Largs into this area and crosses the Greeto at a small bridge. Just down the valley from the bridge are a series of waterfalls which are where the cache we were seeking is hidden, Greeto Falls.

The walk to this point took longer than expected and after initially going the wrong way and having to backtrack and start again I finally reached the falls with two very tired wee girls. The weather was also starting to turn so I made a quick search of the area. The land around the river is quite steep and the river itself is set in a gorge so at this point the kids were confined to sitting on a rock. After a short while I hadn't found the cache and with the wind picking up I decided that it was more important to get the kids off the hill.

It's often quite tempting to keep on looking for a cache, it's addictive and coming home empty handed is frustrating. But with the kids in tow you just can't take unnecessary risks. The cache will still be there the next time and at the end of the day it's just supposed to be a bit of fun. Heading back up-hill we rejoined the path and eventually made it back to the car, cold, wet, filthy and more than a little bit tired.

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