Wednesday 18 January 2012

Harbour Point - Part 1

On Tuesday night I spotted that Chenks had had a new cache placed Harbour Point but it was late and the weather was wild outside so I decided to leave it and try for the FTF the next day if it hadn't yet been bagged. Okay that's not true, Mrs SC wouldn't let me out but the first version sounds better!.

Wednesday came and I had about an hour to spare between getting home from work and collecting the kids from one of their many clubs so I nipped down to the given coordinates at Irvine Beach. This is a multicache which means that the coordinates are just a starting point. From there I had to collect some further information and apply it to a supplied formula to work out where the final cache container could be found.

When I got to the beach I headed out to collect the information required. To paint the scene, it was pitch dark, blowing a gale and pouring with rain. There was just myself and I had to hold my mobile which I was using as a torch whilst trying to keep hold of a bit of paper which had the list of information I needed printed on it and on top of all that I had to find the correct information and write it down. My phone has been acting funny ever since, the paper was soaked in about 10 seconds and I could hardly stand up for the wind. Needless to say I got a couple of the figures wrong but once back at the van I plugged the numbers into the formula. This gave a location which was miles away but a tweak of one of figures which seemed to be obviously wrong gave a far more likely GZ.

This led me to a location which was a short distance away so I drove over there. It's difficult to say more without giving too much away but let's just say when I got there I remembered that this place has a bit of a local reputation at night. As I arrived there were a few cars parked up in the darkness and my first thought was that some other cachers had got there before me, oh how wrong. One the started flashing it's lights at me as I came in to park and then another drove over from where it was parked and parked right next to me.

There was no way I was getting out of the van, even for an FTF!! No chance!!! I don't think the van has ever moved that quick before as I rallied my way back out of there!!

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