Saturday 21 January 2012

Our first two caches

On Saturday we finally got around to placing our first two caches. I tried placing a cache a couple of weeks ago, but after some advice from a Reviewer and a chat with the relevant park ranger service I chose not to place that cache. These ones are both closer to home.

Lawthorn Mount : This is thought to be an ancient barrow although various digs have revealed no finds. Others think it may be a court or moot hill, which is what local tradition also suggests as well as the name Lawthorn. Myself and SuperGirlie placed this cache and after a look around we decided to keep it off the mound itself. This is a scheduled monument and has already been abused by local kids. Instead we chose a location in the surrounding band of trees. Congratulations go to HC67 for the FTF at around 8am on the morning before we placed it (he got the date wrong!). Respectable runners up were the Sweeney Toddlers and then Chenks.

Stanecastle Keep : This is a location which I was surprised didn't already have a cache however I've now learned there used to be one here. Stanecastle Keep is a stone tower which was built around 1417 by the Mongomeries but was later converted into a folly within the Eglinton Castle estate. Today the keep has been surrounded by housing estates but lies within a fenced off area which is heavily overgrown. Again it was myself and SuperGirlie who placed this cache. It's not in the Keep ground but a short distance away. I spotted this hide a few months ago and thought it would be an ideal spot. FTF once again goes to HC67 with the Swoddlers and Chenks close runners up, well done guys!

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