Sunday 18 December 2011

Country Road - Part 1

This afternoon me and Mrs SC head up to the back of Stevenston to do a spot of cache and dashing. Our targets were the seven caches which form a series entitled "Country Road" as set by Roseacre.

The first of these, suitably named Country Road - No 1 was really simple to find and retrieve although we had a few unexpected muggles appear just as I was about to get out of the car. Four young lads out for a walk in the rain on a cold December day on a country road in the middle of nowhere....?? Coast clear I dived out the car and grabbed the cache.

Second up was, you've guessed it Country Road - No 2. This was a short distance further down the road at a small bend. We parked up at a handy lay-by just beyond the corner and I slipped and slid my way back up the road the to corner. The cache was easy to see as there's not much in the way of vegitation at this time of year but actually reaching it wasn't as simple. A few scratches later and I had it.

Moving on we reached the coordinates for Country Road - No 3. This has a fairly standard clue and after a brief search in every possible place I rechecked the coordinates with Mrs SC and found I was very slightly out. A quick look in the correct location still turned up nothing but then my cacher instinct must have kicked in because I found the cache in a very unexpected place. True enough though the clue was correct! Sneeky!

Our fourth find was, Country Road - No 4. This is located at the next bend in the road where another road branches off. The clue is very specific so the cache was simple to find. It was here however that we got a phone call telling us it was time to go and get the kids back off their Granny and Grampa. The rest of this series will need to wait until another day.

4 out of 4

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