Friday 16 December 2011

Post Christmas Lunch

I was out for Christmas Lunch yesterday with some of my work colleagues in the West End of Glasgow and managed to collect a few caches on the way home.

After leaving the restaurant/bar I decided that I was going to walk to Central Station for my train. This was a fair distance, but I'd had a couple of drinks and thought it was a good idea at the time. A few minutes along the road I passed St Mary's Cathedral on Great Western Road which I'd been to recently in search of a cache called A Flock of Gargoyles. I hadn't been able to have a proper look for it on that occasion as there was renovation work ongoing and the area was fenced off. Last night however I had a good look. It was quite dark however and despite spending about 10 minutes loitering around, pretending to be on my phone, and using the shoelace manoeuvre I didn't find the cache.

Abandoning that one I continued my journey and soon found myself passing The Kings Theatre II, another cache I'd looked for previously without success. This cache is really close to my work and has been frustrating me. The area is always too busy during the day to have a good look. Last night I was pleased to see that there were only a few people around. I had a quick rummage in the location I knew the cache should be and found it straight away.

Albany Gone !! was my next target but when I got there it was a bit too dark to do a proper search and there was just too much rubbish around for my liking. I'll try this one again as I pass near hear every day but I'm not keen on this as a cache location.

Next up on my wiggly route towards Central Station was The Lane Under (L1) which I've also tried before. My bus drops me off close by in the mornings so I've done a few walk-by's and I was pretty sure I'd spotted where the container would be hidden. This lane is always too busy during the day and is overlooked by offices so I'd never had a chance to find it and sign the log. Last night however the place was deserted and the cache was exactly where I had guessed. I found a trackable in it too. Bonus!

Finally I nipped down to Waterloo Street to bag the Atrium Court cache. Last time I was here I looked in the wrong place. This time I knew what the clue meant (thanks Wikipedia!) and so I had a good idea where I'd find the cache. Upon arrival at the GZ I employed the shoelace manoeuvre again and spotted the cache right away. It was soon signed and returned to it's hiding place.

Central and then home - 3 out of 5.

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