Wednesday 28 December 2011

Wild West

Yesterday we decided to head up to Fort William to visit my sister and her family, so after couple of text messages to make sure that it was OK we set off this morning.

It wasn't long into our journey that I realised that this wasn't going to be an easy drive. The first hint came at the Erskine Bridge which was closed to high sided vehicles. Fortunately cars were still allowed to cross. Heading on towards Loch Lomond the winds were getting worse. I had hoped to stop at a few places along our route but at this point there was no way I was getting out of the car.

We eventually reached Tyndrum and I pulled over as I knew there was a roadside cache hidden here, It's good to talk (23) Tyndrum. From reading the cache details last night I was sure the cache was in or on a telephone box on the opposite side of the A82 from The Green Welly Stop. Jumping out, I went for a look and found the cache in the very first place I tried.

Tyndrum is located at a crossing point for transport routes. It has two railway stations on separate lines and the A82, the main trunk road up the West Coast of Scotland converges with the A85 to Oban here. In addition it is one of the main stops on the West Highland Way, one of the most famous walking routes in Scotland. Tyndrum was once a lead mining town and a number of miners cottages still exist, however there is also gold in the area and a working mine can be found about 2 miles to the South West at Cononish.

Moving on the weather was getting worse and with gusts buffeting the car it was quite tiring to drive through. Upon reaching Bridge of Orchy, I turned off and headed up hill to the railway station. Another cache can be found here, Postman Pat. It's name is a huge clue and upon reaching the car park it was obvious where to look.

Named after the bridge here which crosses the River Orchy, Bridge of Orchy lies at the head of Glen Orchy, also on the A82. I once stayed in the bunk-house which is attached to the Bridge of Orchy hotel whilst walking the West Highland Way, although I use the word "walking" loosely since we did cheat on a few occasions and catch a bus!

Log signed and cache re-hidden we continued our journey but with the weather getting worse (I was driving side-ways across the Rannoch Moor) we made no further stops until we reached Fort William and the safety of my sisters house.

2 out of 2

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