Friday 23 December 2011

City Lights

It was my last day of work before the Christmas break and after a late lunch I headed off to do a spot of caching in Glasgow City Centre.

I had planned to take a bash at Citizen Firefighter which is just outside Glasgow Central Station but on the way I noticed that it's temporarily disabled at the moment. A walk past told me that it would have been far too busy to attempt anyway so I moved on to the Glasgow Lighthouse cache.

The Lighthouse is known as "Scotland's Centre for Architecture, Design and the City" but was once the offices of the Glasgow Herald Newspaper.

The building was designed at the Honeyman and Keppie architectual firm (where Charles Rennie Mackintoch once worked) and was completed in 1895. The cache is a short distance from the Lighthouse building itself but wasn't too difficult to find. Grabbing it, signing the log and replacing it as found was much harder but I was patient and I think I managed to do so without being seen.

There's currently a Christmas fair set up in George Square, so I decided to take a wander past for a quick look.

As usual, they've set up an ice rink and there's also few other rides including Glasgow's very own (but much smaller) version of the London Eye. The place is very Christmassy with all the lights but it was so crammed with people I didn't hang about for long. I just checked out the prices (as we might take the kids along) took a few photos and left.

I had started to head back to catch my bus home when I realised I would be passing another cache which I've yet to find. This one At your convenience is, as it's name hints, located at the public conveniences (loo's to me an you) at the crossing of St Vincent Street and Buchanan Street. The clue given for this cache was quite clear so I knew roughly were to look but it still took me a few minutes to spot the cache. Unfortunately this is one of the busiest spots in the whole of Glasgow with literally thousands of muggles and a queue of traffic jammed back at the lights for as far as I could see. It was pretty clear that there was no way I was going to be able to make a clean grab of this one today so I did the sensible thing and left it for another (quieter) day some time in the New Year.

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